Things I'm cooking while I'm not at work cooking.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Florida is sunny and wonderful, with lots of gecko's. My new kitchen is teeny tiny, but it is a small sacrifice for washer and dryer right in the apartment. School starts on the 21st of August, but I will be plenty busy getting funds together, and my uniform fitted. I miss New York, but I saw the most spectacular sunset last night, and there are 3 palm trees outside the bedroom window. More to come, pictures too.....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I moved to New York July of 1999. I never thought I would leave. Never say never. Many moons have past. Many loves, many drinks, many jobs, many ups, and far to many downs. Now I am moving. To Florida. Wow. Last year this time I was totally excited that I was finally able to afford my own closet to live in without a roommate, and now I am leaving it all behind love, a passion for cooking, and my serious need to get rid of my New York tan (the kind you get from spending most of your time under ground).

This time last year. Oh so new and wonderful!

I love metro shelving!

So that's what I did with the place...and this is what it looks like now

That's all for now. Time to finish packing. We are leaving on the 20th. Ciao NYC.